Solo show at South Square Gallery, Thornton
Friday 7th June – Sunday 28th July
Caught between the urban sprawl of Bradford and the wilds of the Bronte moors, South Square Gallery hosts my new solo show The work involves a mix of organic and synthetic materials, including stitched and hung stone, moss, grass, glue and neon Perspex,for this series of new photographic and sculptural works.
South Square Gallery press release
Exhibition open: 08 June – 28 July 2013
Opening times: 12 – 3pm | Tuesday – Sunday | And by appointment
South Square
South Square Gallery is a grassroots exhibition space committed to providing a professional and supportive resource for artists and emerging curators, based in the South Square visual arts resource centre in Thornton, Bradford, West Yorkshire. The square also incorporates artists’ studios, workshop rooms, a fine art framer and a café.
Media Contact
For further information contact the curator, David Knowles.
Telephone: +44 [0] 1274 834 747
South Square Gallery, South Square, Thornton, Bradford, BD13 3LD