In October 2005 The Empire took over the iconic landscape of The Lake District, as part of Fred : an annual “art invasion across Cumbria” : supporting around 30 artists with the opportunity to make work anywhere in Cumbria. The commissioned work for Fred consists of a set of postcards featuring specific locations around Langdale Valley.
Locations were chosen, photos taken, models of studios & galleries were made and these images were superimposed over the location: appropriating the spectacular landscape into The Empire. The resulting postcards were then placed in local venues around Langdale, like pubs, cafés, notice boards, shops, phone boxes as well as laminated and placed on walks where the sites could be seen. A fictional landscape make-over. This is my way of placing myself in the landscape & acts as a point of reference to my increasing ambivalence to urban life in London. It also highlights the way in which we access & consume the landscape and, of course, builds on the tradition of the artist taking inspiration from nature.