This piece was installed at Huddersfield Art Gallery , as part of the exhibition “Borrow Pit” , with the Yorkshire Sculptors Group, 2023.

size variable , here 2.5m x 2m x 1m
mens business suits, wire, stuffing, mascara, bra wire, glazed ceramic, thread, safetey pins
Borrow pit is a building term referring to a hole, pit or excavation site that has been dug for the purposes of removing gravel, clay soil or sand to be used in a construction project.
Trophy Pieces uses deconstructed men’s business suits to create a chaotic , unruly linear mess that erupts from the gallery walls onto the floor where the forms are held by ceramic shoes.
Some pieces of the suits have been intricately shredded, frayed and mascara applied before being hung from the suited forms , like war trophies or displays of humiliation and victory.