on the ice , 26.11.10

this was the coldest day yet

I am making a mini series of mock icebergs. I looked around the Bridestones for the perfect rock that will double as an iceberg when modelled in clay. This mini iceberg will be fired & glazed white , placed on an iced over puddle, and photographed with the real rock in the background (does that make sense?).

It talks about other landscapes away from here; monumentality and scale. The model iceberg is an echo in the frozen puddle- the rock , the ice and weather which shapes much of this landscape. Water and time.

Here is the mock up- the iceberg will be fired and hopefully will be glazed white as the driven snow…

Onto another frozen puddle- ice to hold a couple of figures

I’m still not totally happy with this image – I have tried different versions in photoshop (wider landscape, less/more ice puddle) . It exists like this as an idea not a finished image. I think the figures get lost – they look like flys on a fishing line , which is not what I want.

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