Ravenscliffe at Blackstone Edge Reservoir

We managed it!

November 9th, the group made a trip up to Blackstone Edge Reservoir in the minibus….Steve from United Utilities let us through the gate so we could drive to a good vantage point- thanks. The weather was quite amazing- very cold and windy, but sunny and dry, glorious actually.

Both Julia and I thought it was very successful though we were sorry we couldn’t get one student off the bus as the wind was potentially strong enough to rip off the rear door as they were getting his wheelchair off.

But walking with that huge view, smelling the incredibly clean air, experiencing the solid force of the wind. We howled into the gale, made faces, stuck tongues out…

battling to keep the paper down, I papered a rock which was drawn on and explored with feet, we threw some ink on it and let the wind do its thing.We danced- well jumped up and down- it would be great to have some music up there to dance to – something that complemented the wind, the sheep , the grasses rustling.

We used the paper as a mat to lay on & drew round people. We rolled and slithered over it, wrapped up in it using it as a blanket, taking paper out of its normal comfort zone. I was so pleased it didnt rain as I wanted the paper dry- time to explore wet paper and ink when I’m on my own!

we recorded the sounds

We stood over one of those incredible details of engineering/ architecture so particular to the successful working of a reservoir, which often result in something peculiar , dangerous but compulsive to watch- this image doesn’t convey it but the flat 2D surface of the freezing- black water fell over the edge down some steps under the bridge we were standing on.

we had a really great time

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